REVIEW – There’s an App for that!
The Bible is a BIG book. Even viewed from 50,000 feet, there is a LOT of material between Genesis and Revelation! Nobody can grasp all of this material the first time through. But God’s Word is important, so clear and easy REVIEW is essential.
To help your review, an app is available on the Apple App Store by searching “BibleAtAGlance”.
This app includes:
- A survey of Bible history topics along with quizzes
- A survey of God’s major interventions along with quizzes
- A link to the Panorama website where you can review the 11-minute quick- overview presentation of the Panorama
- More resources
There are more apps where this one came from. View our companion website at for information about other apps by Jim Battle including the Navigator’s Topical Memory System, Awana Sparks Bible memory, and a fun family game to help your kids grow in Christ. Or simply search “BattleGearApps” on either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.