Guiding Principles for Developing/ Teaching the Bible Metanarrative
The following principles have been used to guide the development of “Panorama” materials.
The goal is to build and equip disciples (Ephesians 4:12) – teach how the whole Bible fits together, what God is doing in the world, and how/where our part connects into the whole.
Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide our study and presentation of His word.
The Protestant canon is the extent of inspired Scripture. It is a single unified work that is foundational for our teaching.
God has revealed Himself and His program in biblical history over time.
The scope of the Bible metanarrative is the same as the Bible - from eternity to eternity, the whole of both the Old and New Testaments.
The metanarrative is necessarily selective - this is a high-level overview. Focus on essential/foundational stories.
The metanarrative should be as close as possible to the message of Scripture.
Use biblical terminology.
Use biblical anchor points – history and interactions with God.
Highlight the movement of God through history and continuing forward.
Highlight biblical connections to demonstrate the plotline of the Grand Story.
Look for God’s heart, character, and presence.
Honor all parts of Scripture and show where they fit in the big picture.