Free Resources
Learn it - Live it - Teach it
For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. (Ezra 7:10)
Download Panorama charts
Use these free PowerPoint presentations to study, review, and meditate on God’s grand story of the Bible at your own pace. Learn more of God’s heart for our fallen world. Learn more of how the pieces of the Bible connect together to communicate His message of life!
Any adult who desires to grow in his/her knowledge and understanding of God’s word, the Bible.
Students, especially high-school juniors or seniors and college students, who need to develop a solid foundation in God’s word before they are thrown out into the rough-and-tumble world beyond.
“Panorama of the Bible” Classes
The entire Panorama presented in 8 PowerPoint decks of about 1 hour each. Also includes a BONUS review deck!
A shorter version that will take about 4 hours to present. Also includes a BONUS review deck!
This is not just an academic exercise. We need to know the Bible well - for the purpose of obeying. If we want to teach, we need to live it first.
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. (John 14:23)
Some ideas for living what we have learned
This material is designed for pastors and Bible teachers to present the big picture of the Bible. It will help equip believers to grow and stand firm for the glory of God amidst cultural opposition. We have to get this material out in the churches!
Use this material to teach an overview of the Bible to your church or group. The extensive presenter notes will help prepare you for teaching. And each class comes with student handouts to aid note-taking. Many people have the Bible knowledge to present this material. But few have the privilege I have had to study the Bible metanarrative extensively and assemble these lessons. Use it for free to bless your people.
These materials can be used in a Sunday-school class, as a sermon series, as a weekend seminar, at a retreat, or to facilitate small-group Bible study discussion groups. There are probably other creative ways you can find to use it.
The “Panorama of the Bible” can be taught in different time periods to meet your needs. Each session is designed to be roughly 1 hour, though it will vary depending on your presentation style and the amount of class discussion.