4-session Class
Learn it - Live it - Teach it
For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. (Ezra 7:10)
The following downloads provide 4 sets of PowerPoint slides which compose a shortened 4-session, 4 hour presentation of “The Panorama of the Bible.” Substantial speaker-notes are included.
Be aware that not all devices (especially cell phones and pads) have PowerPoint software. For that situation, PDF versions are provided. PowerPoint is to be preferred if you have it.
Class Handouts:
Pre-class student handouts with blanks to fill in - all 4 classes - PDF
After-class COMPLETED student handouts with blanks filled in - all 4 classes - PDF
Part 1of4 - Creation, Promise-Keeping God
Part 2of4 - Promise-Keeping God, Promised Land
Part 3of4 - Kingdom-Prophets, Jesus’ Ministry
Part 4of4 - Resurrection, Acts-Revelation
Plus a special bonus! After going through so much material, it can be difficult to remember back to the beginning. So this Power-Point deck provides material for a review of about an hour.
BONUS - Review