

Classes listed below are related to the Bible metanarrative and are independent of the “Panorama of the Bible.” You will see there are three different categories of classes:

  1. Video classes, available online for free.

  2. Live in-person classes.

  3. Classes for academic credit

Video Classes

“The Grand Narrative of Scripture” – Dr. Scot Keen – Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission)

In slightly over two hours, this presentation summarizes a course taught at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute. Keen presents the Grand Narrative in a 30-minute story-motif showing from the Bible how it begins with a setting and prologue, moves to conflict and rising action, climaxing in resolution and then the epilog. He also addresses related topics like hermeneutics, the place of evil, and God’s presence.

Link to the video.

“The Story of Scripture” – Dr. Mark Yarbrough – Dallas Theological Seminary 

This is a free recording of an entire semester-length Dallas Seminary class (academic credit has additional requirements). Yarbrough discusses the problem of humanity’s sin but quickly moves to God’s solution - a covenant God beginning with Abraham. He leads the audience from covenant promises to covenant King to covenant worship to covenant judgment. Finally, through His covenant love, God brings the covenant King. Yarbrough shows the development of a people living for the King and concludes with the great hope, The King is Coming!

Link to the video.

“Teach Me the Bible Podcast – Dr. David Klingler – Dallas Theological Seminary 

This podcast, based on the teaching of Dr. David Klingler, builds on the concept that the entirety of Scripture should be approached as a unified story. These podcast episodes will offer the listener simple explanations as to how each book takes its place in the one unified story.

Link to the website.

Live In-Person Classes

San Antonio, TX - May 17-18, 2024

“The Story of Scripture” - Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Weekend seminar. For more information contact John Zareva at Dallas Theological Seminary,

Dallas, TX - June 14-15, 2024

“The Story of Scripture” - Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Weekend seminar. For more information contact John Zareva at Dallas Theological Seminary,

San Diego, CA - August 12-13, 2024

“The Story of Scripture” - Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Weekend seminar. For more information contact John Zareva at Dallas Theological Seminary,

Atlanta, GA - October 4-5, 2024

“The Story of Scripture” - Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Weekend seminar. For more information contact John Zareva at Dallas Theological Seminary,

Washington, D.C. Area - November 9-10, 2024

“The Story of Scripture” - Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Weekend seminar. For more information contact John Zareva at Dallas Theological Seminary,

MORE TO COME. If you have a live in-person class offering that you would like listed here, please, contact us.

Classes for Academic Credit

Dallas Theological Seminary - Dallas, TX

Various classes that focus on the Bible metanarrative. Contact them directly for particulars.

Liberty University - Global Studies Program - Lynchburg, VA 

Various classes that focus on the Bible metanarrative. Contact them directly for particulars.

MORE TO COME. If you have an academic class offering that you would like listed here, please, contact us.