The Metanarrative Roundtable
The Metanarrative Roundtable is an organization of interested parties working together to develop and spread the message of the Bible metanarrative.
We believe that as Christians develop a big-picture understanding of the Bible it will add significant grounding in biblical faith and equip people to stand firm for Christ in these challenging times. We desire to help people understand the amazing way that God has woven His word together and that He is executing a grand plan for His glory.
The most recent meeting was on April 22, 2024. Our speaker, Dr. Jim Battle led a discussion on creative teaching ideas to convey the Bible metanarrative. Attendees contributed comments and additional ideas on the subject. You can listen to the recording here. And you can find the accompanying slides here.
In addition, Dr. Tom Steffen gave a brief introduction to his new book, Character Theology. Also, Dr. Larry Dinkins described and demonstrated his metanarrative-related project of identifying and memorizing keyword phrases for all 1,189 chapters of the Bible .
Previous speakers with links to their materials include the following:
11/15/2023 Dr Jim Battle (developer of this website) - recording - slides.
09/16/2023 Dr Darrell Bock (Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary) - recording
6/16/2023 Dr Scot Keen (Academic Dean of Online Education for Ethnos360 Bible Institute - recording - slides.
3/11/2023 Dr. Larry Dinkins (OMF missionary, Thailand) - recording - slides . Key Bible characters, Keywords Genesis 1-25, Sequence these pics
1/24/2023. Dr. Tom Steffen, (Emeritus Professor at Biola University) - recording - slides .
11/2/2022. Dr. David Klingler, Associate Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary -recording .
The Metanarrative Roundtable group is developing a list of interested “members”. To see the current list of “public” members, click here. For more information or to join the group, contact us.