Dr. Jim Battle is the creator of “Panorama of the Bible” and this website. Jim holds a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. His DMin research project was the Bible metanarrative. Jim has served as a church elder for over 20 years. Dr. Battle has taught a wide variety of biblical topics over the years. He worked in the computer field and has published a number of Christian apps.
Dr. Raydel Riquelme served as the translator and editor for the Spanish version of “Panorama of the Bible.” He is the Director of Church Network Development for Empowering Action, a mission based in the Dominican Republic. The objective of Empowering Action is to combat spiritual and physical poverty in partnership with the local church. Raydel possesses a seminary degree and served over 20 years as a pastor in his home country of Cuba. Raydel is also a Doctor of Medicine and Specialist in General Surgery.
Special thanks to Richard Veizaga for help with web design and graphical layout.
Special thanks to Duane and Jan Porch and to Grace Bode for thoughtful review and suggestions to improve the presentation and content.
We anticipate adding additional contributors to demonstrate different styles and insights with the grand story of the Bible. This needs to be a group effort!